The Missouri Digital Group started with a single purpose, but has expanded to address new technologies and external issues.
The Missouri Digital Group (MDG) is controlled by a board consisting of three officers and three directors. There are no members. Officers and board members receive no compensation or travel-related reimbursements.
Questions: about the Missouri Digital Group? Email us at
To Report System Problems: Email us at
The Missouri Digital Group (MDG) was incorporated in the state of Missouri in 2006, to provide a corporate structure in advance of installing the first, four repeater, D-STAR system in the state. The installation was documented by ICOM on their US map handout at the 2006 Dayton, Ohio, Hamvention; the largest gathering of amateur radio operators in the world. In 2017 the MDG received IRS 501(c)(3) status which permitted donations to be tax deductible, depending on the giver’s filing status.
The D-STAR digital repeater systems were installed on the 220’ Monsanto Company tower along with repeaters owned by individuals and another amateur radio group. A total of nine amateur repeater systems and two simplex PACKET systems were supported by the tower as shown in photo below. The equipment was installed in the communications building (hut), along with automatic transfer switches for the AC and a central battery backup system. See photo below.

In 2018 Monsanto was bought by Bayer and the tower was demolished. A temporary home was found for seven repeaters while the two 1296 D-STAR repeaters were officially de-coordinated.
At the same time, the Monsanto Amateur Radio Association (MARA) was notified that they had to abandon their company furnished trailer. The trailer hosted their meetings and housed a complete HF station attached to a 70’ tower with antennas for all bands up thru 1296. In 2019 the membership voted to transfer their repeaters and remaining funds to the MDG. The MDG accepted, which brought the number of repeaters to five.
The owner of two Amateur repeaters on the demolished tower decided that it was a good time to transfer ownership from an individual to an on-going corporation. The MDG accepted those two repeater systems which brought the number to seven as it stands today.